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Bingoguy's 5 Songs of the Moment

Rolling In The Deep - Adele
Dominos - The Big Pink
Sunlight - Tune-Yards
Them That Do Nothing - Field Music
House of Cards - Radiohead


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2002-07-09 - 11:50 p.m.

FLatter Me, I'll add you to my favourites...

Well, Only 5 days went by this time. I am starting to come back to writing more often.

Let's start with this. HOLY CRAP ! Someone mentioned me in their diary as a "must see diary". That was extremely flattering. If you must know it was Roadiepig. He actually group me in with people he said use the english language better than he does. That made me giggle. That's because I have more typos in my entries that McDonald's makes mistakes when you go through the drive thru. Not to mention the fact I go back and forth from using proper english and slang like a whore bobbing for quarters (Ya, I don't get it either.)

Anyway, It was flattering so I finally got around to adding Roadiepig to my favourites list even though he added me to his a long time ago.

Well, 5 days. What else. Not a whole lot. Miss 19 year old decided to move away to live with her boyfriend. I was telling her tonight that's not the worst decision she could make and she's young and she can afford to make mistakes. She didn't understand and I had to explain that I wasn't saying she was making a mistake but if it didn't work out she was young and it would effect in the long run. Otherwise, Hey, Awesome Choice if it all works out.

I've started to rent movies again. Woohoo! I've rented 3 in the past few days. "Sexy Beast", "A Beautiful Mind" and "From Hell". All three were not too bad. They're weren't making me leap up and down and think great cinema of any of them. "Sexy Beast" is a british movie so most American readers can just skip this. It's a good story but it's typically British and would probably drive most American Movie watchers off their rocker. "A Beautiful Mind" wonderful story. Slow moving, painfully at times but required to understand the depth of John Nash's problems and accomplishments. Yep, Russ should have won an Oscar for this and not for Gladiator although I liked Gladiator much more. (Ridley Scott is an awesome director, that's why). "From Hell" fair movie. If you don't like Johnny Depp endevours don't bother. It's typical Depp. Enjoyable for me. Perhaps not for you.

I don't often do movie reviews so there's some quickies for ya.

I missed my medication today. I was kinda sleepy today and almost late for work. I realized as I was driving to work that I had forgotten to take my pill. I don't know if I noticed a huge effect. Although I found myself thinking about my love life. Past, Present and Future and thinking I really should write about it. So, I'm reminding myself that I want to write about Lisa. I must do that. Close the door on that. Close the door on a lot of things. I'm very close to getting to that point and moving on just I think writing about it will bring some finality to it all.

My Mom called on Sunday Morning. She called me on my Cell Phone thankfully because I wasn't home. She didn't sound too pleased to talk to me at first. Something about not having communicated with her or anyone in the family for over 6 months. She explained why she was calling (my mom the worrier) because my cousin had been emailing my hotmail account and I hadn't been responding those emails. Hotmail is just fucked by the way. They changed the way they filter your mail again. So if people aren't in your safe list they get dumped into your junk mail even if they address it directly to you. Yet, they let junk mail spam the crap of out my inbox. Microsoft you fuckin' suck. But I digress. So, my mom just wanted to make sure I was alive. Which I still am. I don't think I've even explained to my mom or anyone in my family that my doc has put me on anti-depressants. I didn't get into in this call either due to the fact their were other people around. My mom did seem to relax after while as she started telling me what my sister and my cousin had been up to and the little vacations they'd been having in the last little while. This made the conversations easy. After that, I explained some of the problems that are currently cirlcing my work in Bingo and the uncertainties there. I tried to reassure her that it looks like they're going to try and make a go of it. But that I'm already looking elsewhere just incase I need to abandon ship. She seemed okay with that. Maybe she's beginning to realize that since I haven't phoned them in 6 months that I'm actually not a baby anymore and I can actually stand on my own two feet. It's nice to have parents to fall back to as some sort of strange safety net but mine have been an incredibly hinderance all my life. My mom is overprotective and my dad abusive. It's like getting punched by Lennox Lewis with a 1-2 combination punch. It something I struggle with daily. The reason I keep my distance from them. I love them, I do. But I need my space.

Saturday Night I did a wedding. Strangely, I knew the Bride from Bingo. She walked up to me half way through the night said "B 5" and I turned to look at her. I didn't recognize her at all. She looked even more beautiful then when I first met her at the bingo hall and made an ass of myself attempting to pick her up. I knew she was a babe and seeing her all dolled up in that wedding gown proved it even more. Her Hubby is one lucky guy that's for damn sure. She's a super nice person and he seems like a hell of a fellow to for a guy I talked periodically over the night. Another great couple I hope they last forever. Doesn't happen much these days anymore but I believe those two could do it.


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Checkmate - 2010-11-11
I Need Anger - 2010-10-15
I'd Like To Point Something Out - 2010-09-10
A Tempting Morsal - 2010-08-20

The Bingoguy Soundtrack
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