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Bingoguy's 5 Songs of the Moment

Rolling In The Deep - Adele
Dominos - The Big Pink
Sunlight - Tune-Yards
Them That Do Nothing - Field Music
House of Cards - Radiohead


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2002-07-03 - 11:49 p.m.

Welcome to July, Let's Talk about June.

Houston, We have life. Oh my god.

It's absolutely scary to think of the amount of things I've done in the last few days. Nothing greatly important but I've actually been getting outside and doing things. Completely boring things to some people but to me I am just enjoying being outside.

Well, Bart was here for 2 days or was it 3? I dunno. He was here we hung out. Didn't do anything greatly exciting either. We caught a movie together. "Minority Report" which wasn't too bad. I dragged him to a friends 19th Birthday Party and bought him drinks. I had a drink myself. Woo I am wild man.

He said he enjoyed himself and I think that's something to be said about laid back lifestyle. I don't do a lot but it sure is relaxing and that's what he needed. He's going through a messy divorce and I hope that my place was just a bit of sanctuary from the storm. I seem to be that for my friends and that's okay with me.

Speaking of the girl who had her 19th Birthday. I've been getting much too close to her considering I'm 14 yrs her senior. She has a boyfriend that's another problem. We spent the first few nights after I met her for the first time sleeping (and I mean sleeping) in the same bed. Probably not the wisest thing on the earth for me to do. But the intimacy was nice. I'm slowly turning into a bit of a big brother to her. There's more to it than that but I'm her shoulder to cry on and listen to her go on about a boyfriend that lives many hours away in another city. Sigh.

I'm all over the map when it comes to women and for once. I'm okay with that. I'm not really persuing any of them. I am still just working on me. Maybe for once in my life I can make friends with a number of them and have those female friends I've always wanted in my life. To remind me I am not the ugliest man on the planet.

July 1st was Canada Day. I drove to Victoria (our provincal capital) to meet some online friends for the first time. That was quite nice. Big Sugar was playing a free concert on the parliment grounds. That was very very cool. There were Canada Day fireworks afterwords. I am sure they spent a whopping $25 because they looked like the fireworks my uncle used to fire off on Halloween when I was kid. It was I swear 10 minutes long tops. Thank you for coming get the hell out of our city. Cheap Bastards. Luckily, Big Sugar was why I came and not the Fireworks. I would have been disappointed otherwise. It was amazing my CrapStang made the trip. I wasn't sure about her. Oh well, I'm home safe and sound.

I went go see Big Sugar (a ticketed event) the very next night with Veronica. We haven't really spoken much in the last little while and I had to almost beg her to come out with me. But luckily for me she really wanted to see Big Sugar live and they were playing that night and I could still get tickets. So, The plan was set. We got down there while the opening act was playing and decided to take off and have a drink at nearby lounge. We both had a Chocolate Martini. (Vodka, Creme da Cocao & Kaluha). That drink is as smooth as milk. You can taste the alcohol but it goes down so smooth you could drink a lot of them in a short period of time. But being on anti-depressants I took it easy even though my doctor said it may just cause increased groggyness. The excitement of going to the concert probably counter-acted any side effects cause I was wide awake for the whole show. It was great to see such a awesome rock/blues/reggae band TWO nights in a row. I smartly brought ear plugs for Veronica and I since the last time I saw Big Sugar I was without ear plugs and my ears rang for an entire day afterwords. To say this band plays REALLY loud is an understatement.

I also had a coffee with the woman that I helped put a post in her yard. I really like her a lot and it's tough to listen to her talk about someone she cares about and is having minor problems with. But, I got big shoulders and I just want the people I like to be happy so I am there for her. I think I am learning to be people's friends slowly. This is a big step for me. Maybe minor for other people but big for me.

I'm embarassed Holly at work today. I was talking to lady who's daughter is getting married in the (near) future. And we were just kind of joking around saying marriage is passe when Holly came along. I said well, Holly doesn't want to get married she just wants children. Which, of course, I implied would be MY children. Which she quickly answered that would mean I wouldn't have to be around her. Which I retorted I would have to be around somewhat if they were MY kids. She said she'd hire a hitman. Then walked away beat red because I was talking about her and I having kids in front of strangers. She embarrasses so easily. I love that about her. She's red head and she blushes so well. "Holly, What Shade of Red is that exactly?"

The nice thing about having gone to Victoria and having gone to coffee with one of my friends is that I've been getting out in the sun. I actually touched my face today and realized my skin was ever so slightly BURNT! Woohoo! I know all you uptight people worrying about skin cancer but I am just happy to see the results of going outside and doing things.

Life is good this week.

Stay Tuned...


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