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Bingoguy's 5 Songs of the Moment

Rolling In The Deep - Adele
Dominos - The Big Pink
Sunlight - Tune-Yards
Them That Do Nothing - Field Music
House of Cards - Radiohead


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2002-02-12 - 3:29 a.m.

Bingoguy, Discreetly Cinnamon

Mood: Relaxed

Song of the Moment:Black Crowes - "Cypress Tree"

Dammit, Diaryland is moving the server tonight it seems and so I can't put an entry in.

It's currently 2:30AM PT on Tuesday, Febuary 12th, 2002.

So... I'm currently typing this in my Notepad. Some people may be laughing "Why don't you use your word processor?"

Notepad is convienent. It loads really quick and hell that's why I use Diaryland in the first place, ease of use.

K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid.

I wanted to make sure I made an entry because I don't like too many days to go by. So, I'll post this one when Andrew finally gets the site completely running again. I must say he does fine job. Things run well the majority of the time.

Now I'll probably forget all the crap I was going to mention. Who Cares it's usually IS crap.

I'd like to take this moment to welcome an online friend Freakie to my journal. She's special, she's the first person I've specifically given the URL to this diary. I really don't want people I know reading this because I will eventually say things, when I am damn good and ready, I'd rather not have spefically pinned to me. This is my therapy. I've mentioned this before, I am just re-iterating.

I dragged Veronica's ass out to PLAY bingo on Saturday Night. I know, I know. There's some excitement for ones SATURDAY night. But hey one of the full card jackpots was over $36,000 and I could use that.

If you don't religously read me, and god help you if you do, the rules have changed of late and as an employee of the hall. I'm not allowed to play for jackpots that are higher than $7500. This meant I had to talk a friend into playing and then splitting the jackpot later if they won. This is why I had to drag Veronica out. She went, headance and all. She's such a trooper.

Didn't win a damn thing. That's proof positive that one shouldn't gamble. [Unless, of course, you're doing it at my hall and putting money on my paycheque. Then Hey, more power to ya!]

I must say it was incredibly nice to get out and do something (even dreaded bingo) with Veronica. It's the one thing I'm so tentative about with her. I can be extremely anti-social and have been for quite a good chunk of my life. I try and make attempts to get out and do things where there are other people. I know I am fully capable of doing things on my own. I know that I don't need other people. But I find if I spend too much time by myself I get depressed. It's a vicious circle because when I get depressed I don't want to be around other people. It's weird. Anyway, Veronica tends to stay home alot. She's terrible where crowds of people are involved. Where as I love crowds but that's the people watcher in me. I don't have to be the centre of attention (although I can do that too). She once asked me "Are we doomed to be a fucked up couple?!". The jury is still out on that one.

Tonight at work, Someone got half the above mentioned jackpot. It had, of course, gotten bigger over two days so they won $18,585. Christmas in February. That leaves around that same amount in that jackpot so it'll grow back to same kind of jackpot eventually. I love giving away that kind of money. I don't care who. I'm on a wee-bit of streak lately. Which is funny because I was the complete opposite near the end of last year. I've given away 4 different jackpots in the last month. It's actually so noticeable that I've heard a couple of players comment that jackpots seem to go more often if I am the caller on shift. Not a bad reputation, necessarily. I play on it too. I actually I've played it both ways. When I was not giving anything away, I sometimes taunted the players, a bit, daring them to win something off me. It's all part of the "SHOW" that is me when I call.

I'm so NOT just a bingo caller. A lady said to me "You're in the wrong profession". She's right. I'm just tenative, scared and lack self-confidence to be anything more at the moment. Remind me to write in depth about that sometime.


Small things can make ones day. Before I left for work tonight I checked my snail mail box. I had mail for the first time in about two weeks. There were a couple of bank statements, (Yes, I'm broke but I have multiple bank accounts...GO Figure) a misaddressed letter for my neighbour, my internet bill AND (here's the whole point of this damn story) a package from a survery group I am in. They sent me a test product to try out. I had forgotten I had filled out a survery and they had asked if I would be willing to try the product and write about it. I was feeling pretty cool about the fact I was being given a new product that isn't out there yet. ISN'T that the coolest? I mean, they're just those breath freshner strips made by a company that currently make some chewing gum that happens to be BIG and RED. (But I don't know who that could be). It reminded me that when I filling out the initial survery about this they had a description about them and they had used the words Cinnamon and Discreet (Let me repeat that, Cinnamon and DISCREET) in the SAME sentence. Now, when ask to give a written statement about what I had just read. I was quick to mention that I don't think anyone on this planet thinks the smell of Cinnamon is discreet. I mean, it's usually a nice smell, unless you hate Cinnamon. But cinnamon is a very distinct smell and if it's strong it's ANYTHING but discreet. Discreet in my mind is something, when refering to smell, that you smell and can't quite put a finger on. One where you have to go...sniff sniff and think. Y'know?! Anyway I r0x0rs (woo I am so 733t) testing this new product. Ok, Ok... I'll let the cat out of the bag. They're really good. But, as I suspected, they are not discreetly cinnamon. I gave one to a co-worker and she promptly ran across the room to get a drink.

Tomorrow is Tuesday work should be boring again. All is normal again.


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The Last Five Bingo Games

Ripples - 2011-02-01
Checkmate - 2010-11-11
I Need Anger - 2010-10-15
I'd Like To Point Something Out - 2010-09-10
A Tempting Morsal - 2010-08-20

The Bingoguy Soundtrack
Last Updated : September 18th, 2004

Under The I - Blogger-Style
Updated : Probably More Often Than Here

Bingoguy Speaks - The Audio Entries
Last Updated : June 24th, 2004

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