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Bingoguy's 5 Songs of the Moment

Rolling In The Deep - Adele
Dominos - The Big Pink
Sunlight - Tune-Yards
Them That Do Nothing - Field Music
House of Cards - Radiohead


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2001-12-27 - 2:04 a.m.

Post Christmas

Here we are at the end of Boxing Day (That's the day after Christmas if you're not from Canada or other such places that celebrate the day after Christmas.)

But Let's roll back to Christmas Eve shall we? Yes, lets. [Oh how Chip and Dale cartoonish of me.]

Christmas Eve was work first thing in the morning. I was slow getting out of bed cause 2am was a bit late to go to sleep when I had to get up at like 8am. Well, I laid in bed til about 8:45. I was out the door by nine. Had to stop by my car and pick up a book out of it. Which meant I got to work around 9:30am. One of my co-workers husbands was there and helped me unload my DJ system. I set it up and was done by 10am. Just in time to start work. Work went quickly we were only open 5 hours. Then we did our Christmas party. My DJ system ended up just being used to play background music. I didn't have to do any "DJ'n" which was actually quite fine with me. So my system was overkill but better too much than not enough. I felt a bit out of place. Proof positive that I am probably a bit much at work for most people. No biggie, I just relaxed and people watched. I enjoy that. I scored some scratch tickets (I won $2 bux.) A Cooler Pack, kind like a glorified fanny pack but it keeps food for ya. (With an ICE pack to keep stuff cool.) This I will keep. Probably come in handy hiking some day. (If I get around to that.) I also got some ladies leather gloves. (I was choosing from gifts the company bought that were being given to us via draws. There were two sets of dishes left, a chip and dip tray, and the gloves.) I chose the gloves since I figured I could give them to Veronica. We had to buy a $20 gift and bring it then we had a Chinese Auction. I was drawn first and managed to get the WORST present brought to the party. Well no fear of anyone stealing that. (Which is how a Chinese Auction works, if a person drawn after you likes your present they can take it and you have to go open a new one.) The gift if your interested, a letter holder with a snowman in a water ball and a "Collectors" dish with some bears on it. I don't know ANYONE who would want that as a gift. So, I've still got it. We ended the party around 6pm, I tore down my system and went home.

I went to bed Christmas Eve around 4am.

I slept well Christmas Morning. I awoke sometime around 1pm. I dragged out the presents that had been sent to me from family. Nothing overly spectacular but all and all very nice. Since I am actually a person who wouldn't care if I didn't get a thing. Scoring $20 bux from an Aunt and Scratching $50 on a lottery ticket. The rest was as they say "gravy".

Santa sent me a copy of "The Matrix" on VHS. I've seen the movie countless times now but I watched it again. Eating some microwave popcorn that Santa also sent. (He got it right finally Movie Theatre Butter!!) Veronica came over just before I watched the movie. She ended up falling asleep part way through. (She'd seen the movie too but I think she just wanted the company.)

She ended up staying the night. Nothing sexual happened. We just cuddled in my way too small bed. (I really need to buy a new bed.) All in all, it was very nice. I'm glad she came over. I would have been fine by myself, as I'm a long time loner from when I was younger but the company was nice.

I ventured out from a Boxing Day Sale trip. Not that I was looking for a "deal" or anything. I could have spent way more than I did. I just couldn't be bothered. I bought myself the expansion part of Diablo II. I haven't started it yet but I am looking forward to it taking up some of my spare time. (I've got the next two days off.)

While I was at the store, I also bought a wheelmouse for Veronica. It's optical as well. She wanted a Wheelmouse and wanted to know the price of one. This one was cheap cheap price so I bought it for her anyway. I figured it was a late Christmas gift or even later Birthday Present. Either way mission accomplished.

So I went to work tonight at 6pm. Work was uneventful and I was in a fairly decent mood so the night went smoothly and I didn't care who didn't do what. We were told at the Christmas party the business is losing money (This was NOT a shock to me.) and that they would still be looking for a new location but would only be willing to lose money for another year. I read this as.. You (the employees) will be getting a pink slip around this time next year. I'm such a pessimist. I'm a rather strong caller so I am not too worried about if they shut down anyway. I would probably just move to another town and wait out another calling position. It's the viscious cycle. Anyway, The staff thought it was a "tacky" time to tell them. I personally didn't care. I'm more disappointed with the fact the management isn't working harder to stay afloat. I guess they figure they'll just get dispursed elsewhere if they business shut down this location. Personally those people would be top of my list of who not to hire anywhere else before actual staff that do the work.

Anyway, I digress. Christmas was nice this year. No stress. Although I never made it to the liquor store so I didn't have any alcoholic beverages but no big loss there.

Christmas to me isn't about family anymore. Maybe that's sad. I find Christmas is more a "Full Stop, Relax, Recoup" time. I have one more DJ gig to do. That's New Year's Eve. I am hoping to have a good time with it.

But now...Two days off... ahhhh! =)

Stay Tuned...


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